Sponsored By: Bojangles
It’s BO time! It’s always Bo time…
Win some delicious Bojangles Sausage Biscuits (prize may vary) every morning with Marc & Laura.

Tuesday, March 25th
Q: A little over 15% of people have one of these at work…
A: a candy jar on their desk!

Thursday, March 20th
Q: one third of people say this is the WORST place you can be taken on a first date.
A: a bar!

Wednesday, March 19th
Q: We touch this every day and it has over 275 different types of bacteria on it…
A: steering wheel!

Thursday, March 13th
Q: Every time you eat THIS food, it increases your life expectancy by over a half an hour!
A: a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Tuesday, March 11th
Q: 2/3 of people say it’s weird to have this on your phone’s lock screen…what is it?
A: a selfie!

Thursday, March 6th
Q: One out of every five of us would like a paid day off to do this…
A: Shop for a new car!

Tuesday, March 4th
Q: One out of every four of us admit to doing this while we are cooking…
A: Dance!!

Thursday, February 27th
Q: 1 out of every 5 of us have no idea how to do this in our car…
A: operate cruise control!

Tuesday, February 25th
Q: A study found ice cream is the most popular dessert. What is second?
A: Jello!

Tuesday, February 18th
Q: The average person has over 1,500 photos on their phone camera roll…how many does Laura Smith have?
A: 25,000!!!

Thursday, February 13th
Q: 1% of us can do this in less than a minute…
A: fall asleep!

Tuesday, February 11th
Q: 32% of people admit to doing this to save time…
A: change in their car!

Thursday, February 6th
Q: One out of every four of us do this in our sleep…
A: Laugh!

Tuesday, February 4th
Q: A survey found that one out of five of us started doing this last month.
A: Christmas shopping!

Thursday, January 30th
Q: A survey shows 1/4 of people under the age of 25 have never done this…
A: Answer the phone!

Tuesday, January 28th
Q: 15% of us haven’t washed THIS in the past 6 months…
A: their bathrobe!

Tuesday, January 21st
Q: 10% of us spend under 5 minutes doing this…
A: Eating breakfast!

Thursday, January 16th
Q: The average person spent over 105 hours just SEARCHING for this last year…
A: Things to watch on TV!

Tuesday, January 14th
Q: According to a new survey, 20% of young adults can’t do this
A: Change a light bulb

Thursday, January 9th
Q: A survey shows this will be the most re-gifted item this year. What is it?
A: Socks!

Tuesday, January 7th
Q: 1 out of every 4 of us did this after receiving Christmas gifts.
A: google them to see how much they’re worth.

Tuesday, December 24th
Q: A survey reveals parents say this is their favorite holiday tradition to share with their kids…
A: Wrapping presents together!

Thursday, December 19th
Q: This happens to 17% of us every Christmas…
A: We don’t like the gift we got!

Tuesday, December 17th
Q: Nearly 25% of Americans do this in their bathroom…
A: Decorate it for Christmas!

Friday, December 13th
Q: Over 2/3 of us buy this during the holiday season…
A: scotch tape!

Tuesday, December 10th
Q: Doctors say doing this is essential for good health…
A: Sighing!

Tuesday, December 3rd
Q: Almost 1/3 of people have this in their home at this time of year.
A: Elf on a shelf!

Tuesday, November 26th
Q: On average, 350 pounds of glitter is used at this time of year for ths specific purpose…
A: …the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Thursday, November 21st
Q: The average person does this 3 times a week…
A: Drops their phone!

Tuesday, November 19th
Q: 1 out of every 3 people think this is the most annoying sound at work right now…
A: people sniffling!

Thursday, November 14th
Q: New research finds people with THIS are often easy to get along with…
A: a sweet tooth!

Tuesday, November 12th
Q: 1 in 12 employees claim they have never done this…
A: Pooped at work!

Thursday, November 7th
Q: Close to half of us haven’t done THIS even once in more than a year.
A: Made a new friend!

Tuesday, November 5th
Q: About one out of every five of us will take this with them today and never use it…
A: a gym bag!

Tuesday, October 29th
Q: 1 out of 10 people who have already bought their costumes say they’re coordinating with this person…
A: A coworker!

Thursday, October 24th
Q: On average, we’ve done this a little under 50 times when we didn’t think it was necessary.
A: tip!

Tuesday, October 22nd
Q: 1 out of 5 newlywed couples had their first fight about this…
A: How to do laundry!

Thursday, October 17th
Q: About 20% of Americans are sad that this is coming to an end…
A: The election season!

Tuesday, October 15th
Q: About 1/4 of people never clean this even though they use it every day.
A: Their watch!

Friday, October 11th
Q: over 1/3 of us say THIS gives us a boost of confidence
A: Smelling good!

Tuesday, October 8th
Q: Over 40% of us eat this food when we’re angry…
A: Ice Cream!

Thursday, October 3rd
Q: Parents say THIS is the top superpower they wish they had…
A: Being invisible!

Wednesday, October 2nd
Q: 1/3 of people say they would like to visit…WHERE?
A: The moon!

Thursday, September 26th
Q: The average hight of this is between 1 and 2 centimeters
A: A pancake!

Tuesday, September 24th
Q: It takes twice as long to do this on Mondays compared to other days of the week…
A: Decide what to have for dinner!

Thursday, September 19th
Q: A new poll shows almost 1/3 of married couples share this…
A: Deodorant!

Tuesday, September 17th
Q: The average person says this almost 1,100 times per year.
A: “What did you say?”

Thursday, September 12th
Q: Almost half of people who live together don’t agree on how to do this…
A: fold towels!

Tuesday, September 10th
Q: Most people throw this away without ever using it…
A: The instruction manual!

Thursday, September 5th
Q: About 10% of us still have this from elementary school…
A: A best friend!

Thursday, August 29th
Q: Once a month, more than 4 million Americans dream about this…
A: Their childhood home!

Tuesday, August 27th
Q: 39% of people with a car have never done THIS…
A: Sat in the backseat!

Thursday, August 22nd
Q: Only 6% of Americans enjoy eating this…
A: Roadkill!

Tuesday, August 20th
Q: The average person does this for about 3 hours daily…
A: listen to music!

Thursday, August 8th
Q: You might think it’s okay to do this at work, but 4 out of 5 of your coworkers say it isn’t okay…
A: Trimming your nails!

Tuesday, August 6th
Q: On average, we consider 11 options before buying THIS…
A: a pair of glasses!

Thursday, August 1st
Q: Nearly 20% of people believe this will happen to them in their lifetime…
A: They will win the lottery!

Tuesday, July 30th
Q: Of all the people who have this in their homes, 5% of them never use it.
A: Dishwasher!

Thursday, July 25th
Q: Men spend about 42 minutes more doing this each week than women do…
A: Eating!

Tuesday, July 23rd
Q: The average American spends just over 50 hours every year doing this…
A: Online shopping!

Thursday, July 18th
Q: A survey shows this is the number one thing in our homes that doesn’t work…
A: The ice maker in the fridge!

Tuesday, July 16th
Q: On average, we say this out loud about 3 times per day…
A: “I’m tired.”

Tuesday, July 9th
Q: A new survey finds that most men own one of these but 28% of them never use it.
A: a suit!

Tuesday, July 2nd
Q: 17% of people at a 4th of July cookout bring this…
A: their own chair!

Thursday, June 27th
Q: 40% of people have these lying around but no longer use them. What are they?
A: CDs!

Tuesday, June 25th
Q: 80% of married people don’t trust their spouse to do what?
A: Wake them up in the morning!

Thursday, June 20th
Q: One out of ten new parents say they have unintentionally fallen asleep…where?
A: In the shower!

Tuesday, June 18th
Q: The average person gets 17 of these a year…
A: Bug Bites!

Thursday, June 13th
Q: A new survey found that 26% of travelers do this when they get home from a trip…
A: Clean their luggage!

Tuesday, June 11th
Q: 30% of people have THIS in their car right now…
A: a pair of pants!

Thursday, June 6th
Q: What’s the #1 thing in our homes that we say we have too many of?
A: Hangers!

Tuesday, June 4th
Q: 26% of people do this in their sleep…
A: Laugh

Thursday, May 30th
Q: 75% of us do this before we go on vacation…
A: Clean the house!

Thursday, May 23rd
Q: On average, you will use over 150 of these during your time here on Earth…
A: Toothbrushes!

Tuesday, May 21st
Q: Almost 50% of couples say they never do this together. What is it?
A: Laundry!

Tuesday, May 14th
Q: The average person does this three times a day…
A: Ties their shoes!

Tuesday, May 7th
Q: The average American doesn’t pay attention to this for four months
A: the check engine light!

Thursday, May 2nd
Q: 4% of people say they have never experienced one of these…
A: a headache!

Tuesday, April 30th
Q: 28% of Americans will go to one of these in the next month.
A: A yard sale!

Thursday, April 25th
Q: 1/3 of us do this with hot water…
A: brush their teeth!

Tuesday, April 23rd
Q: Half of people surveyed consider this to be a part of the family…
A: their car!

Thursday, April 18th
Q: On average, we eat about 1/3 more calories than normal when we go here…
A: A movie theater!

Thursday, April 11th
Q: A survey says almost 40% of us have had this stolen at work…
A: an idea!

Tuesday, April 9th
Q: A survey showed 96% of people have no patience for this…
A: Listening to a voicemail!

Tuesday, April 2nd
Q: More than 90% of average American households don’t remember when they last cleaned THIS…
A: Their vacuum cleaner!

Tuesday, March 26th
Q: Almost half of all couples admit they do this separately…
A: Laundry!

Thursday, March 21st
Q: A new survey says 10% of people are doing this by age 10
A: swearing on a regular basis!

Tuesday, March 19th
Q: What happens on average over 60 times a day for each of us?
A: Our phones go off with a text or a call!

Thursday, March 14th
Q: Just about 30% of people enjoy this during breakfast…
A: Soda!

Tuesday, March 12th
Q: We spend nearly 20 minutes a day thinking about…
A: Going on vacation!

Tuesday, February 27th
Q: Just over 10% of us have these under the bed.
A: dirty dishes!

Thursday, February 22nd
Q: 24% of people do not know how to do this…what is it?
A: change the clock in their car!

Tuesday, February 20th
Q: Almost one in 5 couples no longer adhere to this wedding rule…
A: white dress!

Thursday, February 15th
Q: Only 1% of Americans don’t have one of these in the county where they live…
A: A Mexican Restaurant!

Tuesday, February 13th
Q: A survey say almost 30% of people forget to do this on a regular basis
A: Flush the toilet!

Thursday, February 1st
Q: Around 1 out of 5 people say this is the thing they can’t stand the most about their neighbors…
A: Their DOG!

Tuesday, January 30th
Q: 1 in 11 people won’t know this until February 11th
A: which teams are playing in the super bowl – Feb 11th is Super Bowl Sunday!

Thursday, January 25th
Q: Doing this in your home for an hour will burn 238 calories…
A: Vacuuming!

Tuesday, January 23rd
Q: 65% of people surveyed say THIS is a factor in choosing to shop at one business over another…
A: The bathroom!

Thursday, January 18th
Q: A study shows over 90% of people can identify this smell in just one second…
A: Peanut Buter!

Thursday, January 11th
Q: 6% of people admit to doing this multiple times a day…
A: Napping!

Tuesday, January 9th
Q: 3 out of ten people say they would go into debt to buy ______
A: Concert tickets!

Wednesday, January 3rd
Q: Almost one in three people are confident they could do THIS in an emergency…
A: Land a plane!

Thursday, December 28th
Q: The average family uses one of these for seven and a half years before throwing it away…
A: An artificial Christmas tree!

Thursday, December 21st
Q: Only 10% of us do this on Christmas Eve
A: Put up a Christmas tree!

Tuesday, December 19th
Q: A survey found that women who are unsure what to get their boyfriend or husband for Christmas will probably just buy this…
A: a wallet!

Thursday, December 14th
Q: 27% of people plan on regiftig this item. What is it?
A: a purse!

Tuesday, December 12th
Q: A new survey shows that 7% of employers have fired someone because of this…
A: online shopping!

Thursday, December 7th
Q: Less than 1/4 of people will decorate this for the holidays…
A: their bathroom!

Tuesday, December 5th
Q: A study shows the average American spends over 34 hours doing this over the course of their life. What is it?
A: Untangling holiday lights

Thursday, November 30th
Q: 2/3 of millennials don’t own this kitchen appliance. What is it?
A: Toaster!

Tuesday, November 28th
Q: Germaphobes beware: these are touched close to 30 times before someone buys ’em.
A: Greeeting cards!

Tuesday, November 21st
Q: The average American expects to aquire 8 of these over the holidays
A: pounds!

Thursday, November 16th
Q: The average American does this 5 times a week…
A: tip someone!

Tuesday, November 14th
Q: On average, we do this well over 2,000 times each year…
A: say thank you!

Thursday, November 9th
Q: 24% of Americans would smile when doing this…
A: Taking a mugshot!

Tuesday, November 7th
Q: Every home has one or two of these, and the first ones ran on gasoline…
A: vacuum cleaner!

Thursday, November 2nd
Q: 1/5 of us have THIS in our glove compartment…
A: toothpaste!

Tuesday, October 31st
Q: 1/4 of us say we’d buy one of these, if we got a good deal on it…
A: a haunted house!

Thursday, October 26th
Q: 32% of people admit they do this, even though they know it annoys other people
A: talk during a movie!

Tuesday, October 24th
Q: about 1/4 of people say this instantly makes them feel better.
A: getting your car washed!

Thursday, October 19th
Q: Over 90% of us here in the US have this food in our home.
A: a box of pasta!

Thursday, October 12th
Q: The average American encounters just under 300 of these daily…
A: commercials/ads!

Tuesday, October 10th
Q: The average person will stare, for almost 40 hours a year…at what?
A: The inside of the refrigerator!

Thursday, October 5th
Q: The average family does this around 75 times per year..
A: go to the grocery store!

Tuesday, October 3rd
Q: You use this over 2,000 times before replacing it.
A: a coffee mug!

Thursday, September 28th
Q: The average person has 2,795 of these
A: Photos in their phone!

Thursday, September 21st
Q: Almost 2/3 of people agree that you should not do this before 8am…
A: Call someone!

Tuesday, September 19th
Q: This is banned in one out of five schools, but legal in all 50 states…
A: peanut butter!

Thursday, September 7th
Q: About 1/3 of us feel “overwhelmed” when we have to use one of these…
A: A recipe!

Thursday, August 31st
Q: A poll on morning routines found that 39% of us never do this…
A: make the bed!

Tuesday, August 29th
Q: Four out of every ten kids will get their first one of these before their fourth birthday…
A: cavity!

Thursday, August 24th
Q: 45% of men, but only 10% of women, have ever done this…
A: been in a band!

Tuesday, August 22nd
Q: Over 2,000 kids are treated in ERs each year for injuries caused by _________
A: ceiling fans!

Tuesday, August 15th
Q: This is part of the average American adult’s life for just over 6 months out of the year…
A: a diet!

Thursday, August 10th
Q: Right now, you’ll find these in 67% of American households…
A: popsicles!

Tuesday, August 8th
Q: If you use one of these, you’re most likely to use it after 7am and before 1pm…
A: a drive through!

Thursday, August 3rd
Q: Nearly 20% of pet owners have one of these…
A: a tattoo of their pet!

Tuesday, August 1st
Q: 45% of married people secretly spend money without telling their spouse, and almost 20% of those are spending it on this…
A: Lottery tickets!

Thursday, July 27th
Q: Many Americans say having two of these is not enough…
A: Vacations per year!

Thursday, July 20th
Q: 30% of us do this at home, 65% somewhere else and 5% don’t do it at all…
A: wash their vehicle!

Tuesday, July 18th
Q: 25% of married people say if they won the lottery big, they would do this…
A: Get a divorce!

Thursday, July 13th
Q: 35% of these in vehicles right now don’t work.
A: Air Fresheners!

Tuesday, July 11th
Q: Men are twice as likely NOT to use this product, even though experts say they should…
A: Sunscreen!

Thursday, July 6th
Q: 43% of women say they keep a spare one in their car…
A: pair of shoes!

Thursday, June 29th
Q: 72% of people say they go cheap when buying these…
A: Sunglasses!

Tuesday, June 27th
Q: A recent survey found 39% of Americans have this…
A: a side hustle!

Thursday, June 22nd
Q: Only 15% of Americans rate themselves as very good or expert in using _____.
A: chopsticks!

Tuesday, June 20th
Q: 70% of people swear they’ve never done this…
A: had a party when their parents were out of town!

Thursday, June 8th
Q: 80% of people surveyed said eating THIS puts them in a better mood.
A: Watermelon!

Tuesday, June 6th
Q: Starting at age 40, women are more likely to do this…
A: Speed!!

Thursday, June 1st
Q: Right now, roughly 15% of people are driving around with THIS…
A: A cracked windshield!

Thursday, May 25th
Q: 20 years ago, every adult knew how to do this. Now, only about 75% do.
A: Write a check!

Tuesday, May 23rd
Q: The average American is 14 years, 8 months old the first time they do this…
A: Drink coffee!

Thursday, May 18th
Q: In the 70s, 97% of Americans did this when they got home from work. Today only around 45% of us do it.
A: Check the mail!

Tuesday, May 16th
Q: Around one in every ten of us have never done this…
A: Traveled out of state!

Thursday, May 11th
Q: A recent survey reveals the average person does this about 16 times a day…
A: Swears!

Tuesday, May 9th
Q: 57% of us have not changed this in over three years…
A: our voicemail greeting!

Tuesday, May 2nd
Q: 40% of us would like to change this about ourselves…
A: our voice!

Thursday, April 27th
Q: 40% of men can’t tell you this about their wife.
A: Shoe size!

Tuesday, April 25th
Q: In 1950, 7% of women did this. Now, 75% of women do it.
A: Dye their hair!

Thursday, April 20th
Q: 90% of Americans live within 15 minutes of _______
A: a Walmart!

Tuesday, April 18th
Q: Women are more likely to do this on a Thursday than any other day of the week…
A: Have a baby!

Thursday, April 13th
Q: Nearly 60% of people with one of these don’t use it for its original intended purpose.
A: A garage!

Thursday, April 6th
Q: Americans will enjoy an estimated 16 million of these over the next week or so…
A: Jellybeans!

Tuesday, April 4th
Q: 41 million of these were sold last year, bringing in 1.2 billion dollars in revenue.
A: vinyl records!

Tuesday, March 28th
Q: 38% of adults are embarrassed by this.
A: Their middle name!

Thursday, March 23rd
Q: According to a survey, 25% of people say it’s rude for house guests to ask for this. What is it?
A: The WiFi password!

Tuesday, March 21st
Q: 41% of brides say they worry about this the most on their wedding day…
A: Best man’s toast!

Thursday, March 16th
Q: In the last 15 years, the amount of time the average American visits one of these has dropped more than 80%
A: The bank

Tuesday, March 14th
Q: Americans spend over 39 billion dollars a year on this. What is it?
A: Tipping!

Thursday, March 9th
Q: According to a survey, 70% of men will get their first one of these by age 26
A: grey hair!

Tuesday, March 7th
Q: Men are twice as likely as women to do this in the month of March. What is it?
A: Call in sick!

Thursday, March 2nd
Q: 60% of guys under the age of 30 don’t own one of these…however, 85% of men over the age of 30 have at least one.
A: a suit

Tuesday, February 28th
Q: 37% of us say we have never used this in our car…
A: the horn!

Thursday, February 23rd
Q: While growing up, 30% of Gen Xers had one of these…
A: a perm!

Tuesday, February 21st
Q: Many people between the ages of 25-34 ask for help when it comes to this task…
A: Hanging a picture!

Wednesday, February 15th
Q: This year more than 9 million Americans bought a Valentine’s Day gift for who?
A: Their Pet

Thursday, February 9th
Q: A survey says about 20% of men use this as a computer password…
A: Their favorite sports team!

Thursday, February 7th
Q: Texas was the first state in the US to have one of these.
A: An official hashtag! #Texas

Thursday, February 2nd
Q: 2% of people will do this in the month of February…
A: Take down their Christmas tree!

Tuesday, January 31st
Q: We spend almost 40 hours a year staring at this…
A: the inside of the refrigerator!

Thursday, January 26th
Q: Americans throw away 92% of these, without ever using them…
A: instruction manuals!

Tuesday, January 24th
Q: If you’re over 50, you’re more likely to have one of these in your home than if you’re under 50…
A: a phone book!

Thursday, January 19th
Q: A poll found the average adult has kept 20 of these…
A: Toys from their childhood!

Tuesday, January 17th
Q: If you have one of these, there’s a 70% chance that you have two…
A: Tattoos!

Thursday, January 12th
Q: The average American does this 94 times per year…
A: a good deed for someone!

Tuesday, January 10th
Q: The invention over the past 200 years that people say they hate the most is THIS…
A: alarm clock!

Friday, January 6th
Q: This is 27% more likely to happen to you in the first week of the year than at any other time…
A: Get fired!

Wednesday, January 4th
Q: People say this is the number one thing they wish they could write off on their taxes…
A: Coffee!

Friday, December 30th
Q: One woman named Valentina Vassilyev is famously rumored to have done this 69 times between 1725 and 1765!
A: Give birth – the highest recorded number of children born to one mother!

Wednesday, December 28th
Q: Four out of ten women say they’ve actually cried when their husband surprised them by doing this…
A: Cleaning something!

Thursday, December 22nd
Q: 36% of us have participated in this Christmas activity as a child, but only 16% have as an adult. What is it?
A: Gone Caroling!

Tuesday, December 20th
Q: This happens more in the two weeks before Christmas than at any other time of year…
A: Couples break up!

Thursday, December 15th
Q: About 35% of people say they currently have one of these in thier house…
A: Elf on the shelf!

Tuesday, December 13th
Q: 83% of Americans have never enjoyed this during Christmas…
A: Chestnuts roasting on an open fire!

Thursday, December 8th
Q: 13% of holiday-related injuries are from doing this…
A: Wrapping or opening gifts!

Tuesday, December 6th
Q: If you add it all up, we spend a little over TWO DAYS of our lives doing this…
A: Decorating Christmas trees!

Tuesday, November 29th
Q: On average, one of these is touched 25 times before someone buys it.
A: a greeting card!

Tuesday, November 22nd
Q: Nearly 90% of us are planning on having this as part of our Thanksgiving dinner…
A: Mashed Potatoes

Tuesday, November 15th
Q: 90% of Americans use one of these on a daily basis
A: A Seatbelt!

Thursday, November 10th
Q: One in 7 Americans has never seen ____
A: Snow!

Tuesday, November 8th
Q: The average parent does this 23 times a day…
A: Tells their kid “no!”

Thursday, November 3rd
Q: The average parent thinks 12 is the perfect age for this…
A: Getting their own cell phone!

Tuesday, November 1st
Q: 73% of employees who are allowed to do this, say it makes them highly motivated to put more effort towards the success of the company…
A: Dress up for Halloween at work!

Thursday, October 27th
Q: 42% of adults say they never do this…
A: Dress up for Halloween!

Tuesday, October 25th
Q: In a survey of expectant moms, this ranked as the number one most craved food…what is it?
A: Nachos!

Thursday, October 20th
Q: The average family has two of these in their kitchen
A: Their child’s artwork!

Tuesday, October 18th
Q: If you’re average, you own 5 of these…
A: Pairs of jeans!

Thursday, October 13th
Q: 16% of people don’t do this regularly
A: use deodorant!

Tuesday, October 11th
Q: The average american will feel ______ 21,305 times in their life.
A: “Hangry!”

Friday, October 7th
Q: You’ll need to do either a 4.6 mile jog, or 54 minutes of burpees, to burn off one of these…
A: Pumpkin spice latte! A full-blown venti PSL with whole milk and whipped cream

Tuesday, October 4th
Q: Only 8% of people hate THIS…
A: Pumpkin Spice!

Tuesday September 27th
Q: Disposable Diapers take at least _______ years to decompose.
A: 500!

Thursday September 22nd
Q: About one in ten people have done this for 5 hours or more at one point in their life
A: waited in a line!

Tuesday September 20th
Q: 30% of us don’t have one of these in our house…
A: a plant!

Thursday September 15th
Q: If you’re average, you will eat 4 of these a week…what are they?
A: Salads!

Friday September 13th
Q: According to a new survey this is the #1 thing we have too many of in our house…what is it?
A: Hangers!

Friday September 9th
Q: The average mom spends 153 hours a year doing this for their kids…
A: Being a chauffer!

Wednesday September 7th
Q: If you’re average you’ll do this at least 10 times today. What is it?
A: Smile!

Thursday September 1st
Q: Almost 60% of our cars have at least one of these, what is it?
A: A bumper sticker or window sticker!

Tuesday August 30th
Q: You’ll do this over 400 times this year…
A: Take a photo of your pet!

Friday August 26th
Q: The second most common thing in our junk drawer is rubber bands…what’s the MOST common thing in our junk drawer?
A: Birthday candles!

Wednesday August 24th
Q: If you’re average, you’ll do this 4 times today…
A: Start your car!

Wednesday August 17th
Q: 63% of us say this is the thing we forget the most…
A: What day of the week it is!

Thursday, August 11th
Q: If you’re average you have three of these, but only use two of them…
A: Email addresses!

Tuesday, August 9th
Q: More of this is sold on a Sunday than any other day of the week…
A: Ice Cream!

Tuesday, August 2nd
Q: According to a recent survey, the average kitchen has six of these…
A: Refrigerator magnets!

Thursday July 28th:
Q: Around 10% of us would do this if we won a lot of money…what is it?
A: Roll around in it!

Tuesday July 26th:
Q: 44% of Americans follow this rule
A: The “Five Second Rule!”

Thursday July 21st:
Q: They say doing this before we go shopping makes us spend more money…
A: Drinking coffee!

Tuesday July 19th:
Q: This happens to us more often on a Tuesday than on any other day of the week…
A: being late for work!

Thursday July 14th:
Q: In a new survey, 54% of people think THIS should be taught in school…
A: video gaming!!

Tuesday, July 12th:
Q: Over half of us who have one of these in our car say we almost never use it…
A: our sunroof!

Friday, July 8th:
Q: 150 million of these are sold in America every year, with most of them being sold between May and July…what are they?
A: American Flags!

Wednesday, July 6th:
Q: Almost 50% of us say this food is a must when we are grilling…what is it?
A: Watermelon!

Thursday June 30th:
Q: A 4th of July poll found 1 in 8 Americans can’t do this…
A: Name our first president!

Tuesday June 28th:
Q: 60% of kids think their mom is better at this than their dad…
A: Driving!

Thursday June 23rd:
Q: This is the number one “how to” we search for on the internet…what is it?
A: How to tie a tie!

Tuesday June 21st:
Q: 40% of dads say doing this is a sign that they are becoming their father…what is it?
A: Falling asleep in a recliner in front of the TV!

Thursday June 16th:
Q: 31% of new parents say their favorite “first” was the time their baby did THIS…
A: Slept through the night!

Tuesday June 14th:
Q: 72% of women say it’s important for a serious partner to kow this about them…
A: How they take their coffee!

Thursday June 9th:
Q: This is the best chore your kids can do for you, according to a survey
A: washing your car!

Tuesday June 7th:
Q: The average age of this, that we use almost daily, is 12 years old. What is it?
A: Our car!

Thursday June 2nd:
Q: We eat this food outside of the house 80% of the time – what food is it?
A: French Fries!

Wednesday June 1st:
Q: A recent survey said our phones and our car are the two most important products we use…what comes in at third on this list?
A: our refrigerator!!

Thursday May 26th:
Q: If you’re average, you’ll get 17 of these per year…
A: Bug Bites!

Tuesday May 24th:
Q: 49% of us don’t know this about our parents…
A: Their first job!

Thursday May 19th:
Q: This food is so universally popular, 93% of people WORLDWIDE love it…
A: popcorn!

Tuesday May 17th:
Q: By the time we turn 28, we will have done this 6 times…what is it?
A: Changed jobs!

Thursday May 10th:
Q: 40% of us think that wearing
_____ makes someone INSTANTLY more attractive…
A: sunglasses!

Thursday May 5th:
Q: According to a new survey about foods we hate the most, this food came in last…meaning we love it.
A: french fries!

Friday April 29th:
Q: 43% of Americans lie about this…
A: lie to their dentist about their flossing habits!

Thursday April 21st:
Q: If you’re average, you spend $900 a year on this…
A: Take out food!

Tuesday April 19th:
Q: A new survey says THIS is the greatest food invention of all time!
A: Chocolate Chip Cookie!

Thursday April 14th:
Q: If you’re average, you have 5 of these in your pantry right now – what are they?
A: Boxes of cereal!

Tuesday, April 12th: Q: when we buy a new home, this is the first thing we replace right away - what is it?A: the toilet seats!

Thursday, April 7th:
Describe a Movie badly!
Q: Tiny alien with grammar problems teaches magic in a swamp/a deadbeat dad tries to reconnect with his son by chopping his hand off.
A: Empire Strikes Back!
Q:Five kids hungry for free chocolate fight for survival in the original Hunger Games.
A: Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory!

Wednesday, April 6th:
Q: Over 2 million of us have a pic of this on our phone – what is it?
A: A rainbow!

Thursday March 31st:
Q: If you’re average you’ll do this 20 times today.
A: Complain!

Wednesday March 30th: Cameo Price Is Right, you can get Gilbert Gottfried to yell at you for only $175!

Tuesday March 29th:

Tuesday March 22nd:

Thursday March 17th: